Our branches will be closed on Monday, October 14 for a federal holiday.
For the safety of our members due to COVID-19, we are holding a call-in annual meeting on June 13 at 10:00 A.M.
Registration is currently closed.
You are invited to participate in the 2020 Whitefish Credit Union Annual Meeting of the Members on Saturday, June 13, 2020 at 10:00 A.M. Due to the pandemic, our meeting will take place via a teleconference. There will not be an in-person meeting held this year.
Due to the call-in meeting format, we are unable to provide a member gift and we will not hold a cash raffle.
Meeting Technology Requirements Participation in the meeting is by telephone only. Members will have the ability to vote and ask questions during the meeting through their telephone.
Annual Report & Meeting Materials A web link to access the 2019 Annual Report and the proposed bylaw update will be sent prior to the meeting via email.
Board Of Directors & Supervisory Committee Elections
Three positions with three-year terms are available on the Board of Directors. The nominating committee has recommended the reelection of current board members Lyle Phillips, Sue Brown, and John Snyder. Two positions with two-year terms are available on the Supervisory Committee. The nominating committee has recommended the reelection of current supervisory committee members Rex Harris and Jeff Doorn.
Vote Of Updated Bylaws Members will be asked to vote on an update to the Whitefish Credit Union bylaws, which revises the Credit Union’s governance consistent with current regulations. The Board of Directors has unanimously approved the bylaw update and is encouraging all members to vote in support of adopting the bylaws.
Questions If you have questions about the meeting, or if you are having difficulty registering, please call us at (877) 862-3525.
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